Home zones : public participation.


The success of a Home Zone can be judged by the extent to which the people who live there recognise the need for and accept it. Such acceptance largely depends upon effective community participation and involvement at all stages, from the original selection of the area through to implementation. The means that can be used to involve the community in developing a scheme are wide ranging, and there is no one approach that is most effective. A combination of methods is best used, that seeks to engage all sectors of the community, particularly groups that are often under-represented in the decision making processes. The nine Home Zone pilot schemes in England and Wales have used a range of approaches, some of which are mentioned as case studies in this leaflet. (Author/publisher)

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C 25613 [electronic version only] /71 /72 / ITRD E116571

London, Department for Transport, Charging and Local Transport Division, 2002, 6 p., 8 ref.; Traffic Advisory Leaflet ; 08/02

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