Hospital data analysis. PENDANT Pan-European Co-ordinated Accident and Injury Databases, Workpackage 3 - Hospital Data, Deliverable D9.

Martin, J.-L. Kampen, L.T.B. van & Pérez, C.

The aim of the WP3 is to demonstrate to what extent it is possible to analyse in a common way hospital data of road injuries to complement police data information coming from the three countries involved, despite all of their differences. The objective is to analyse the databases and identify priorities for future European regulatory and other action. This document includes three chapters. The first one compares the patterns of injuries between the three countries, according to severity of injuries and types of users. The second chapter focuses on the different methodologies of linkage between hospital and police data, in addition to the main part of the deliverable D7. The third chapter shows several analyses dealing with linked data. It includes the analysis of injuries and risk factors in car to car crashes, whiplash in car to car and pedestrian injuries in car to pedestrian collisions. This document is self-contained and the reader is not supposed to have read the previous WP3 deliverables, except for some very technical details. (Author/publisher)

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C 39462 [electronic version only]

Loughborough, Loughborough University, Vehicle Safety Research Centre, 2005, 103 p., 27 ref.

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