HOV direct access : a design for regional and community benefit.

Hirschey, C.S.

The Totem Lake HOV Direct Access interchange is located in Kirkland, Washington over Interstate 405. The direct access ramps provide in-line transit stops for Sound Transit Regional Express buses and carpools. The unique aspect of this HOV direct access is the alignment with NE 128th Street, connecting across I-405. The Preferred Alternative added a general- purpose lane in each direction to allow traffic across I-405. The location and design was controversial because it caused three new closely-spaced signalized intersections. Level of service, signal timing, and queuing analysis was prepared using Synchro; TRANSYT 7F; and VISSIM for 2005 with 2+ HOV, 2012 with 2+ HOV, and 2020 with 3+ HOV. The project provides significant multi-modal travel benefits. An additional crossing of I-405 is provided at a half-mile spacing, greatly improving local circulation. General-purpose traffic can avoid intersections at or below LOS F during peak hours. Pedestrians and bicycles from neighborhoods have a significant reduction in distance to activities. Local bus service will reroute over NE 128th Street, saving one mile of unproductive travel to the park-and-ride lot. A transit center is located between the hospital and the mall to enhance the connection between local bus service and Regional Express bus service. Evergreen Hospital will utilize the direct access ramps for emergency vehicles, and the transit facilities will enable the hospital to achieve CTR goals while doubling in size. The project was developed with the Totem Lake Neighborhood Plan and is key to the transition from old suburban to urban development.

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C 38250 (In: C 38204 CD-ROM) /72 / ITRD E833689

In: Institute of Transportation Engineers ITE 2003 annual meeting and exhibit compendium of technical papers, Seattle, Washington, USA, August 24-27, 2003, 26 p.

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