How and when blunt injury occurs. Implications to frontal and side impact protection.

Lau, I.V. & Viano, D.C.

The timing of liver laceration in swine during the course of a blunt impact was investigated. The Viscous injury crite- rion, terion, defined as the peak Viscous response, was found to be the best predictor of liver laceration. It is concluded that the Viscous response relates to the actual etiology of injury, in addition to being an excellent correlative measure.

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B 27658 (In: B 27651 [electronic version only]) /84 / IRRD 818020

In: Proceedings of the 32nd Stapp Car Crash Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, October 17- 19, 1988, p.81- 100, 16 ref. SAE Paper No. 881714.

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