How to avoid obstacles? : act on supply as well as demand.

Hanzl, S.

This paper reports briefly on the work of the Czech road freight transport operators' association CESMAD BOHEMIA. The association has adopted an extensive programme of education offered to drivers and managers. Training covers professional competence and issues of concern to the transport market. Topics covered under road traffic safety include legislation and dangerous goods transport. Road safety advisors are nominated and trained for all enterprises involved in the transport and handling of dangerous goods; and the use of digital tachography is included in the training. Vehicles are largely designed to be environmentally-friendly and this is encouraged by tax incentives. The work of the association can only progress in a supportive legislative environment. For the covering abstract see ITRD E118917.

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C 26723 (In: C 26714 [electronic version only]) /10 /83 / ITRD E118926

In: Safe and sustainable transport : a matter of quality assurance, OECD, 2003, p. 65-66

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