How can one express a demand for safe and sustainable transport in order to get a proper supply?

Lindberg, J.

This paper describes the process of formulating a road transport policy that ensures safe and environmentally-friendly transport by making demands on the transport provider and vehicle manufacturer, with particular reference to the Swedish "Vision Zero" concept. Responsibility for quality assured transport rests with the top management of a company or authority. Quality assurance should have goals relating to safe, environmentally sound transport and on this basis demands on the operator should be made according to the type of transport being considered. A policy is then formulated defining the employer's approach in terms of the aim of the policy, the approach to be taken and the lines of responsibility. Demands on the operator must be analysed to ensure they are clear and distinct and the process of implementation is determined according to the management philosophy of the company or authority. The demands should then be reviewed and revised on a regular basis. The paper concludes with a brief case study from an urban authority in Sweden. For the covering abstract see ITRD E118917.

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C 26720 (In: C 26714 [electronic version only]) /10 /72 / ITRD E118923

In: Safe and sustainable transport : a matter of quality assurance, OECD, 2003, p. 39-48

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