How to develop a cycling policy and stimulate cycle use in areas with few cyclists.

Koos, M.A.

Seven common and important elements of a bicycle development policy in the U.S.A. are discussed briefly: 1. Build interest, consensus, and partnerships.2. Identify and inventory bicycle development assets. 3. Develop a comprehensive community cycling plan. 4. Organize funding and other sources. 5. Assign responsibility and implement the cycling.6. Evaluate the impact of the policy upon cycling activity. 7. Publicize the policy and maintain the momentum.

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B 27136 (In: B 27101 [electronic version only]) /72 / IRRD 816342

In: Proceedings Velo City 1987 : international congress "Planning for the urban cyclist", Groningen, 22-26 September 1987, C.R.O.W Record 2, p. 205-208

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