How to implement a behaviour based driver safety programme.

Dorn, L.

There is a large academic literature of empirical evidence demonstrating that the main contributor to crashes is the driver – with human factors contributing to over 90% of incidents. Understanding driver behaviour and how to influence what drivers do is therefore a key component for reducing the risk of crash involvement for your workforce. Authored by Dr Lisa Dorn, Research Director at DriverMetrics, this eBook provides a concise, yet comprehensive overview of the steps you can take to address driver risk in your organisation. Topics include: * Safety Goals and Leadership; * Reviewing Driver Safety Systems and Policies; * Behaviour Based Driver Risk Assessment; * Implementing a Behaviour Change Programme; and * Fleet Safety Performance and Evaluation. (Author/publisher)

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20140046 ST [electronic version only]

Busbridge Godalming, Surrey, Driver Metrics®, 2014, 21 p., 13 ref.

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