How to read a learner's mind.


This new service launched by the Driving Instructors' Association (DIA) will allow instructors to develop personalised training programmes for individual candidates, enabling them to identify areas of strength and weaknesses. Developed by PeopleMaps, the initiative comes during the Government's current public consultation on 'Learning to Drive'. Because of the current concern over new driver accident statistics, it is hoped this on-line program will influence an improvement in driver training, thereby reducing new driver accident involvement. The program is intended to help instructors assess and then develop appropriately driver attitude to safe and responsible driving. The benefits of psychometric testing have already been proved in professional driving spheres, for instance with bus driver and lorry driver training, leading to significantly reduced accident rates. There is no pass or fail; the process is designed so that trainers know what type of training is required, enabling them to adapt their training programmes accordingly.

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I E140423 /83 / ITRD E140423

Driving Magazine. 2009/11/12. Pp8-9

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