How safe is driving while using a mobile phone? Paper presented at an The Institute of Traffic Accident Investigators (ITAI) conference.

Hole, G.J.

Although mobile phones have been around for about 30 years, it is only comparatively recently that they have become widespread. It has been estimated that around 80% of the population will soon have one. It is clear that if there are any risks attached to using a mobile phone while driving, then the number of accidents in which phone use played a role is set to increase markedly. However, exactly how safe it is to drive while phoning remains to be investigated. It is interesting that, around the world, official polices to mobile phone use during driving differ substantially. In Israel and Japan, for example, it is illegal to use a phone while driving. In the U.K., drivers are given a somewhat ambiguous message - while there are no specific laws banning their use, the Highway Code advises drivers not to use a phone while driving. Author/publisher)

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C 35691 [electronic version only]

Derby, The Institute of Traffic Accident Investigators (ITAI), [2001?], 7 p., 6 ref.

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