How slips result in traffic conflicts and accidents.

Kruysse, H.W.

In this study subjects kept diaries about unintentional acts during driving. They were asked to record errors at skill-based level: slips and lapses. They also recorded the circumstances preceding there errors and the consequences for road safety. It is argued that in conditions controlled by latent failures cognitive processes procedure not only skill-based errors but also rule- and knowledge-based errors. It is claimed that strategies to increase safey should be directed at these latent failures, rather than at the errors that follow from them.

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Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


930446 ST [electronic version only]

Applied Cognitive Psychology, Vol. 6 (1992), No. 7 (December), p. 607-618, 16 ref.

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