Human aggression.

Anderson, C.A. & Bushman, B.J.

Research on human aggression has progressed to a point at which a unifying framework is needed. Major domain-limited theories of aggression include cognitive neoassociation, social learning, social interaction, script, and excitation transfer theories. Using the general aggression model (GAM), this review posits cognition, affect, and arousal to mediate the effects of situational and personological variables on aggression. The review also organizes recent theories of the development and persistence of aggressive personality. Personality is conceptualised as a set of stable knowledge structures that individuals use to interpret events in their social world and to guide their behaviour. In addition to organising what is already known about human aggression, this review, using the GAM framework, also serves the heuristic function of suggesting what research is needed to fill in theoretical gaps and can be used to create and test interventions for reducing aggression. (A)

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20021222 ST [electronic version only]

Annual Review of Psychology, Vol. 53 (2002), p. 27-51, 121 ref.

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