The human factors of overtaking lane design.

Alley, B. & Wigmore, B.

This project was aimed at improving overtaking lane design through a better understanding of driver behaviour during overtaking. Overtaking lane designs and road geometries representative of those found on State Highways were re-created in the driving simulator used for this research. Results showed that when the diverge and merge areas are clearly visible, there is little difference between the three different road marking and signage treatments investigated. However there were significant differences when these areas are not clearly visible. Both the new NZ and the Australian treatments worked well in the diverge area, but there were safety issues with the Australian treatment in the merge area. Further research is proposed to investigate the effect of factors such as merge length, merge placement, alternative marking schemes and sign placement. (Author/publisher) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E214058.

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C 37713 (In: C 37711) [electronic version only] /21 / ITRD E214060

In: IPENZ Transportation Group Technical Conference papers 2001, Sky City, Auckland, 12 September 2001, 12 p.

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