A human model for road safety : from geometrical acquisition to model validation with radioss.

Behr, M. Arnoux, P.J. Serre, T. Bidal, S. Kang, H.S. Thollon, L. Cavallero, C. Kayvantash, K. & Brunet, C.

In order to investigate injury mechanisms, and to provide directions for road safety system improvements, the HUMOS project has lead to the development of a 3D finite element model of the human body in driving position. The model geometry was obtained from a 50th percentile adult male. It includes the description of all compact and trabecular bones, ligaments, tendons, skin, muscles and internal organs. Material properties were based on literature data and specific experiments performed for the project. The validation of the HUMOS model was first achieved on isolated segments and then on the whole model in both frontal and lateral impact situations. HUMOS responses were in good agreement with the experimental data used in the model validation and offers now a wide range of applications from crash simulation, optimisation of safety systems, to biomedical and ergonomics. (Author/publisher)

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C 26526 [electronic version only]

Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 6 (2003), No. 4 (August), p. 263-273, 36 ref.

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