Hypnotics' residual effects on driving performance.

Volkerts, E.R & O'Hanlon.J.F.

Most of the patients who use hypnotics are fully ambulatory and free to engage in all normal activities. If they experience residual sedation it is likely to interfere with their performance efficiency in real-life tasks, nowhere so crucially as in the operation of motor vehicles. Selected results are reported here for comparising the major residual effects of Flurazepam, Secobarbital, Loprazolam, Flunitrazepam, Nitrazepam and Zopiclone.

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Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 25310 (In: B 25301) /83.4/ IRRD 801385

In: Drugs and driving : proceedings of the first international symposium on prescription drugs and driving performance, Vinkeveen, The Netherlands, 25-28 June 1984, p. 123-135, 4 graph., 1 tab.

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