Identifying high-hazard sites for older drivers.

Davis, G.A. & Adams, D.

Induced exposure methods were combined with a nonparametric empirical Bayes procedure to produce a method for identifying high accident risk locations for older drivers. The method was applied to accident data from 102 signalized intersections and it was found that those intersections identified as high-hazard locations for older drivers did in the aggregate show over-representation of older drivers. For the intersections located in an urbanized area, the most frequent accident types at sites identified as high-hazard locations for older drivers were left-turn and right-angle accidents, while rear-end accidents were most frequent at the other urban intersections. (A)

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981324 c2 ST (In: ST 981324)

In: Traffic congestion and traffic safety in the 21st century : challenges, innovations, and opportunities : proceedings of the conference, Chicago, Illinois, June 8-11, 1997, p. 201-207, 9 ref.

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