Identifying multiple reasonable alternative routes: efficient vector labeling approach.

Park, D. Sharma, S.L. Rilett, L.R. & Chang, M.

An exact approach for identifying multiple reasonable paths in a transportation network is proposed. It is motivated by the deficiencies of heuristic approaches and K-shortest-path algorithms that have been used historically. The proposed algorithm is based on the so-called efficient vector labeling approach. The search space is pruned using a resource constraint. A route constraint is applied for maintaining the reasonableness of alternative routes. In addition, a dominance-checking concept is introduced to avoid identifying candidate subpaths at nodes that cannot satisfy travel time or route uniqueness requirements. The approach was demonstrated on a transportation network from Austin, Texas. It was found that the proposed algorithm can efficiently identify multiple reasonable alternative routes in transportation networks and has a number of advantages as compared with traditional K-shortest-path algorithms and heuristic approaches.

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C 28184 (In: C 28170 S [electronic version only]) /71 / ITRD E820537

In: Transportation network modeling 2002, Transportation Research Record TRR 1783, p. 111-118, 20 ref.

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