Im Spannungsfeld von Trinken und Fahren.

Berger, H.J. Bliersbach, G. Dellen, R.G. Undeutsch, U. Pfeiffer, G. Welzel, U. & Friedeler, A.

Guidelines for explanatory and publicity measures for preventing the driving of motor vehicles while under the influence of alcohol. The experiment is based on research carried out on 120 drivers who have been recidivists one or more times as regards drunken driving. The research in question was undertaken within the framework of a study of the driving aptitude of drivers. The discussion of conflict situations (between alcohol consumption and the resulting ability to drive) has led to the realisation that a reduction in judgement ability normally occurs as a result of uncontrolled alcohol consumption. For this reason considerations against the driving of motor vehicles after consuming alcohol lost ground. As it seems pointless to demand complete abstention from alcoholic beverages at present, compliance with certain "hard and fast rules" is recommended as regards the consumption of alcohol before starting on a motor car journey (limitation and control of alcohol consumption). p. 7-34 + p. 233-235 A study of the motivation of the real conflict "drinking and driving". The central point for discussion in this study is the analysis of that conflict in which the driver finds himself when he drinks alcohol with the intention of driving afterwards. This question was examined with the aid of 30 in-depth interviews and 150 semi-standardised interviews. It is shown that drivers with regular drinking habits who decide to drink only a certain number of glasses of alcoholic beverage, have in fact drunk less. Regular drinks are less likely to succumb to social pressures. It is suggested that campaigns for the limiting of alcohol consumption should proceed from these findings. p. 35-235

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B 20331 /83 / IRRD 304535

Darmstadt, Arthur Tetzlaff Verlag, 1976, 238 p., 43 ref.; Faktor Mensch im Verkehr ; Heft 23 - ISSN 0533-0270 / ISBN 3-87814-033-9

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