The impact of a cultural children's program and adult mediation on children's knowledge of and attitudes towards opera.

Valkenburg, P.M. Kremar, M. & Roos, S. de

In this experiment, the authors investigated the extent to which adult mediation during a cultural children's program can stimulate children's knowledge of and attitudes towards opera. A sample of 124 children, aged 9-12, was randomly assigned to one of two viewing conditions. In both viewing conditions they watched a cultural children's program together with an adult. In the mediation condition the coviewing adult provided the children with additional comments and showed a positive attitude towards opera. In the non-mediation condition the coviewing adult did not give comments and showed a neutral attitude towards the program watched. Children in the mediation condition recalled significantly more opera information. In both the mediation and the non-mediation condition children's attitude towards opera was stimulated by the cultural children's program. (A)

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980283 ST [electronic version only]

Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, Vol. 42 (1998), 24 p., 28 ref.

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