Impact of electric vehicles. Deliverable 3: Assessment of the future electricity sector.

Grüning, M. Witte, M. Boteler, B. Kantamaneni, R. Gabel, E. Bennink, D. Essen, H.P. van & Kampman, B.

Electric Vehicles (EVs) are a promising technology for reducing the GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions and other environmental impacts of road transport. It is important for EU policy makers to get an overview of the possible impacts of the introduction of Electric Vehicles. Therefore DG CLIMA commissioned CE Delft, ICF and Ecologic to carry out a study on the potential impacts of large scale market penetration of EVs and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV) in the EU, with a focus on passenger cars and light commercial vehicles. This study includes an assessment of both the transport part (e.g., composition of vehicle fleet) and electricity production and the impacts on well-to-wheel GHG emissions, pollutant emissions, other environmental impacts, costs, etc. This report is the third deliverable of this project and provides an overview of the electricity sector and the potential interaction with EVs and PHEVs. A review of current EU and Member State policies revealed a considerable interest in promoting renewable energy sources in the electricity sector. However, the results are still far from alleviating the overall dependency of EU Member States on energy imports and vast differences exist between the Member States. (Author/publisher) This report may be accessed by Internet users at

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20110816 ST [electronic version only]

Delft, CE Solutions for environment, economy and technology, 2011, 89 p., 48 ref.; Publicatienummer 11.4058.05

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