Impact of motorcycle helmet law repeal in South Dakota 1976-1979 : final report.

Struckman-Johnson, C. & Ellingstad, V.S.

The present report in two volumes assesses changes in levels of helmet use, state-wide accident experience, and incidence of cyclist injury between a pre-repeal period and two post-repeal years. Results of three state-wide surveys, each of which included observations of over 12,000 cyclists, showed helmet use to decline from nearly 100% in the pre-repeal period to 57% in 1977 and 48% in 1978. Data from 1,515 motorcycle accidents occurring between July 1976 and June 1979 were examined to assess the influence of helmet law repeal on incidence and severity of victim injuries. Accident cost data were also obtained for a random sample of 136 motorcycle drivers involved in these accidents. Helmet use was clearly related to the severity of victims' injuries and to the incidence of head trauma.

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B 20857 /83 /84 / IRRD 259636

Vermillion, SD, University of South Dakota, Department of Psychology, 1980, 128 p., fig., tab.; Report Number HFL-80-1 / DOT HS 805 619

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