Impact of roads on the landscape of a suburban area.

Marusic, D. & Stazic, T.

New planned roads change the landscape of the suburban area through which they run. In order to evaluate this change, it is necessary to define landscape values of a suburban area that roads pass through and define the road corridors that influence the natural, cultural and anthropological values of the explored area. Since the route of the road is not only defined by landscape values, but is also defined by minimum construction costs, by land topography or by land use, obviously several alternative routes will appear. The analyses of route alternatives bring out criteria that are the basis for evaluation of the solutions in order to determine the one with minimum impact on the landscape. The influence of roads on the landscape of a suburban area will be presented for the example of the planning of a road from Dubovica cove to the settlement of Sv. Nedilja on the island of Hvar (Croatia). For the covering abstract see ITRD E128680.

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C 36248 (In: C 36168 [electronic version only]) /21 / ITRD E128760

In: Urban Transport X : urban transport and the environment in the 21st century : proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Urban Transport and The Environment in the 21st Century, Dresden, Germany, 2004, p. 821-828, 7 ref.

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