The impact of speeding tickets on speeding behaviour.

Campbell, M. & Stradling, S.G.

The study begins to create a picture of how the driving public reacts to speed cameras. Analysis of the questionnaire reveals the wide range of reactions and emotions unleashed by going through the speed camera prosecution process. Initial analysis has shown that receiving a speeding ticket produces aversive emotional reaction, but does it bring about a change in driving behaviour? Issuing speeding tickets has mixed specific deterrent effects even in the short term, with half of drivers sensitive to their speed and driving more slowly, one-third only slowing down for speed cameras, and one-sixth reporting themselves unremediated and not slowing down at all two months after receiving their ticket. The most effective way to change people's behaviour and bring about sustainable change integrated into their behavioural repertoire is to make it as easy as possible for them to change. This means conformity rather than mere compliance. Hogg and Vaughan (1995) define conformity as 'deep seated, private and enduring change in behaviour and attitudes due to group pressure' whereas compliance is a 'superficial, public and transitory change in behaviour and expressed attitudes in response to requests, coercion or group pressure'. To conform to the local speed limit requires that the driver knows the answer to two core questions: 'How fast am I going?' and 'What's the speed limit round here?'. Obtaining the answers to these questions, without substantial distraction from the driving task, is more difficult than it need be. Ten per cent of the respondents referred to 'frustration' to explain their feelings. One source of frustration was the opinion that the speeding offence was not a serious crime or sometimes not a crime at all. As Corbett (2001) discusses, this view appears to be held by many speeders and is of concern if speeding is to be tackled effectively. If the aim is to change driver behaviour, then encouraging drivers to reflect on and redefine the notion of 'the good driver' may be necessary. (Author/publisher) For the covering abstract see ITRD E116881.

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C 25402 (In: C 25393 [electronic version only]) /83 / ITRD E116890

In: Behavioural research in road safety XII : proceedings of the 12th seminar on behavioural research in road safety, 2002, p. 86-93, 25 ref.

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