Impact strength of joints in seat belts.

Veysey, M. & Herbert, D.C.

The strength of seat belt joints was determined under conditions of high strain rate similar to those experienced in traffic crashes. For these tests a dynamic test rig was designed, manufactured and operated in a shock testing machine. The results of these dynamic tests were compared with the results of tests of similar joints under conditions of conventional slow strain rate (so called static) testing. It was found that, for the various joints tested, joint strength under dynamic testing conditions was between 21 per cent lower and 8 per cent higher, and on average 11 per cent lower than that under static testing conditions. (Athor/publisher)

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B 18436 /91.1 / IRRD 234154

Rosebery, NSW, Department of Motor Transport New South Wales, Traffic Accident Research Unit, 1977, 40 p., 8 ref.; Research Report 4/77 - ISSN 0313-2854

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