The impact of traffic violations on the estimated cost of traffic accidents with victims.

Ayuso, M. Guillen, M. & Alcaniz, M.

Traffic violations related to speed limitations, administrative infringements or faults related to the driver are considered. Data were obtained from all available reports on accidents with victims that occurred in Spain from 2003 to 2005. A multinomial logistic regression model is specified tofind the probability that an accident with victims is slight, serious or fatal, given the presence/absence of thirty different types of traffic violations. The average cost per victim and the average number of victims peraccident are then used to find the estimated cost of an accident with victims, given the information on the traffic violations incurred. This demonstrates which combinations of traffic violations lead to higher estimated average costs, compared to cases in which no traffic violation occurred. We conclude with some recommendations on the severity of penalties, and suggest that regulators penalize the occurrences of some specific combinations of traffic violations more rigorously. (A) Reprinted with permission from Elsevier.

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I E145182 /80 / ITRD E145182

Accident Analysis and Prevention. 2010 /03. 42(2) Pp709-717 (35 Refs.)

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