Impaired drivers and high accident-risk drivers: Are they chips from the same block?.

Wilson, R.J. & Jonah, B.A.

The present paper hypothesises that there is a subgroup of high accident risk drivers who exhibit a high-risk behaviour syndrome. Impaired driving is only one of the high-risk behaviours engaged in by these drivers. Other high-risk behaviours include speeding, tailgating, non-use of seat belts in the road safety domain as well as other types of behaviour such as drug use. Previous research by the authors will be reviewed to support this theoretical notion.

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B 25908 (In: B 25860) /83.4 / IRRD 805850

In: Alcohol, drugs and traffic safety-T 86. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, Amsterdam, 9-12 September 1986; p. 319-323, 1 tab., 10 ref.

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