Impaired driving = Conduite avec facultés affaiblies. Report No. 5

Alcohol and road accidents in Canada
Donelson, A.C.

The primary aim of the report is three- fold. (1) to reexamine the problems of alcohol and road accidents and alcohol impaired driving, taking into account the social and cultural context in which they arise and persist; (2) to reassess the effectiveness of the societal response to these problems; and (3) to initiate a process of evolvin new strategies and reordening priorities for the coming decades.

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1 + 12 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 32055 a + b /83. 4 /

Ottawa, Ontario, Department of Justice / Traffic Injury Research Foundation of Canada TIRF, 1985, 25 + 31 p.

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