Impaired driving. Report No. 1: characteristics of drinking drivers = Conduite avec facultés affaiblies. Rapport No. 1: caractéristiques des conducteurs en état d'ébriété.

Donelson, A.C. Beirness, D.J. & Mayhew, D.R.

For answering the questions: who is the drinking driver, how do various groups of drinking drivers differ, why is knowledge about drinking drivers relevant to planned and on-going action programs, and how can needed information be generated in the process of taking actions to reduce the alcohol-crash problem, a study was made with the two-fold aim: to present information of general value in developing policy and programs; and to identify issues concerning sentencing options for persons convicted of alcohol related driving offences.

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1 + 6 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 32051 a+b /83. 4 /

Ottawa, Ontario, Department of Justice / Traffic Injury Research Foundation of Canada TIRF, 1985, XX + XXIII + 166 + 161 p., 137 ref.

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