Implementation and operation of park-and-ride lots.

Noel, E.C.

The implementation and operation of park-and-ride facilities must be carefully executed to optimise use of resources and to maximise the anticipated benefits. Implementation involves providing the necessary resources and the legal, administrative, and co-operative mechanisms for facilitating the construction and operation of park-and-ride facilities. There is a void of information in published literature on successful strategies for implementing and operating park-and-ride facilities. Although the "guide for the design of high occupancy vehicle and transfer facilities" published by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, has been well recognised as a basic reference, the implementation and operation of parking elements need to be complemented. This paper discusses some of the frequently neglected aspects of implementation and operation and provides several ideas drawn from the author's experience and from the analysis of practices in several states. Liability, lease agreements, community involvement, funding and cost considerations, marketing, scheduling, fee structures, transit co-ordination, security, and enforcement are among the topics discussed.

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C 22181 (In: C 22172 S) /73 / IRRD 834564

In: Urban traffic systems and operations : a peer-reviewed publication of the Transportation Research Board TRB, Transportation Research Record No. 1232, p. 76-83, 19 ref.

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