Implementation of a pavement management system in Prince Edward Island.

Karan, M.A. & Walker, T.

This paper presents an overview of a pavement management implementation project for the Province of Prince Edward Island. This project was undertaken in conjunction with the Atlantic Province Highway Strengthening/Improvement Agreement to provide an objective data base for determining pavement improvement needs on the Province's paved road network. An extensive field inventory was performed on approximately 500 kilometres of PEI's Trans Canada and major arterial road networks. These field tests provided the basis for detailed analysis to determine the pavement improvement needs for the portion of the road network considered over a ten year programming period. A program of pavement improvement priorities over the programming period was then determined through economic analysis and an optimization of projects, improvement strategies and project timing. The effect of budget level was then analysed by comparing the expected average network serviceability profiles over the programming period at the specified budget level with the zero capital budget case for both the Trans Canada and major arterial networks. The results of this implementation project have some major implications for the Province of Prince Edward Island. Among the foremost of these are: a) Decreases in rehabilitation funds for the Trans Canada network would result in a substantial decrease in the average serviceability of these sections; b) The average serviceability of the major arterial network will continue to decrease below its present low level at the level of funding expected; c) The Province is attempting to expand its inventory equipment and field testing capabilities so that annual updating of its pavement inventory data base can be accomplished "in-house"; and d) The success of this implementation project has prompted the Province to expand its pavement management system to its entire paved road network. Prince Edward Island is one of the first provinces to adopt such a comprehensive pavement management system. This indicates that the concepts of pavement management, that have been developed over the last decade, are now being put into practice. (A)

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In: Roads and Transportation Association of Canada RTAC Forum, Vol. 4 (1982), No. 2 `Selected technical papers, drawn from the 1980 Roads and Transportation Association of Canada RTAC conference and the 1980 world conference on transport research held in London, England', p. 82-89, 8 ref.

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