The implementation of an urban transportation policy : Triple Decker project.

Abubakar, I.

The Indonesian State Guidelines of 1993 stated that a mass transit system should be developed to provide urban public transport. Since this objective has to be reached under strong budget constraint, the government realised that providing transport infrastructure and its facilities can only be carried out hand in hand with the private sector. This paper describes a joint venture established to conduct the Triple Decker project. The proposed construction is a combination of light rail transit (LRT) lines and toll road. This system will overcome land acquisition problem, increase the capacity of arterial roads as well as that of public transport, and, finally, toll road revenues will subsidise the operation of LRT system. (A) The French title of the paper is: "L'implémentation du politique transport urbain : le projet Triple Decker".

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C 14285 (In: C 14139 [electronic version only]) /72 /10 / IRRD E201630

In: Urban transport policy : a sustainable development tool : proceedings of the international conference (Cooperation for the Continuing Development of Urban and Suburban Transportation) CODATU VIII, Cape Town, South Africa, 21-25 September 1998, p. 979-986, 7 ref.

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