Implementing national best practice for traffic control at worksites : risk management, auditing and field operations.

McTiernan, D. & Elazar, N.

The temporary management of traffic in association with road works requires careful planning and implementation to ensure both an efficient operation and a safe environment for workers and road users. Risk management, compliance safety inspections and auditing are key techniques to assist in providing an environment where safety is a priority. This report provides a discussion of best practice for traffic control at road work sites with respect to risk management, auditing and field operations, drawing on standards, codes of practice and policies from Australian and overseas road authorities. (Author/publisher)

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20120601 ST [electronic version only]

Sydney, NSW, AUSTROADS, 2012, III + 47 p., 18 ref.; AUSTROADS Research Report AP-R403-12 - ISBN 978-1-921991-22-6

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