The World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Bank jointly issued the world report on road traffic injury prevention on world health day 2004, dedicated by the WHO to the improvement of global road safety. The report's publication signaled a growing concern in the global community about the scale of the health losses associated with escalating motorization and a recognition that urgent measures had to be taken to sustainably reduce their economic and social costs. The purpose of these guidelines is to promote a safe system approach to road safety management and specify a management and investment framework to support the successful implementation of the world report recommendations. The guidelines provide practical procedures designed for application at a country level to accelerate knowledge transfer and sustainably scale up investment to improve road safety results. It lays emphasis on strengthening institutional results management capacity reflects the essence and intention of the world report recommendations. It also recognizes that strengthened road safety management is required for the successful implementation of the good practice guidelines for interventions (helmets, drink driving, speed, and seat-belts) produced by the Federation Internationale de I'Automobile (FIA) foundation for the automobile and society, the global road safety partnership, the World Bank, and the WHO. This report is organized in following four chapters: chapter one gives introduction; chapter two presents world report recommendations; chapter three focuses on managing for results; and chapter four presents country implementation guidelines. (Author/publisher)
Implementing the recommendations of the World report on road traffic injury prevention
country guidelines for the conduct of road safety management capacity reviews and the specification of lead agency reforms, investment strategies and safe system projects.
20180271 ST [electronic version only]
[Washington, D.C., The World Bank Group], 2009, 307 p., ref.
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