Implementing road safety audits in Brazil.

Rodrigues, J.L.F. & Bezerra, B.S.

A Road Safety Audit is a proactive approach to improving transportation safety. Such a strategy is needed for Brazil which has unacceptably high numbers of accidents, injuries, deaths and property damages. ARSA is a systematic process that can be tailored according to specific organizational culture and safety issues. Above all, RSA looks at a highway project for the sole purpose of identifying safety issues. A major contributory factor to most road traffic accidents is the limited capacity of road users to assimilate excessive amounts of information regarding signs, signals and road layout in a very short space of time. Considerations should be given to the special needs of the different groups of road users, e.g., the need for facilities for pedestrians and cyclists, especially in urban areas. Checklists are an important tool in road safety audits and other issues include liability and legal considerations. According to Brazilian law agencies involved in the National Traffic System are liable for damages caused to citizens by actions, neglect or mistakes in the execution and maintenance of programs, projects and services. An RSA written report could be a powerful defence in the event of litigation. For the covering abstract see ITRD E137120.

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C 49145 (In: C 49130 CD-ROM) /10 / ITRD E137135

In: Measures to assess risk in traffic as reflected by individual test performance, in attitude measurement and by behaviour and interaction : proceedings of the extra workshop on International Cooperation on Theory and Concepts on Traffic Safety of the International Cooperation on Theories and Concepts in Traffic Safety ICTCT, Campo Grande, Brazil, 21-23 March 2005, Pp., 19 ref.

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