Implications of increasing carpool occupancy requirements on Thekaty Freeway high-occupancy-vehicle lane in Houston, Texas.

Christiansen, D.L.

The Texas State Department of Highways and Public Transportation and the Harris County Metropolitan Transit Authority are in the process of developing an extensive system of high-occupancy-vehicle (HOV) lanes on the freeways in Houston, Texas. Locally, these HOV lanes are referred to as transitways. Considerable attention is being given to developing appropriate techniques for operating these priority facilities. In October 1988, carpool occupancy requirements to use the lane were increased from two or more to three or more persons per vehicle between 6:45 and 8:15 a.m. in order to restore free-flow operation on the transitway. This change represented the first time in the United States that occupancy requirements to use an HOV facility had been increased. The action had its intended effect of restoring free flow to the transitway. Although in the short run total person volume for the facility declined slightly, the result was a significant increase in the value of time saved by transitway users. Increases both in bus patronage and in three-or-more-person carpool use were noted. This action was implemented with surprising ease and has worked effectively in the field. Much of the success is directly related to the design and enforcement policy used in developing and operating the Houston transitways. This approach may now be used on a routine basis as needed to effectively operate the Houston transitway facilities.

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C 25285 (In: C 25273 S) /72 / IRRD 843949

In: Transportation management, high occupancy vehicles HOV systems, and geometric design and effects, Transportation Research Record TRR 1280, p. 111-118, 3 ref.

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