Implications of intelligent cruise control ICC systems for the driver's supervisory role. Paper presented at the first World congress on applications of transport telematics and intelligent vehicle-highway systems IVHS, Paris, France, 1994.

Fancher, P.S. & Ervin, R.D.

This paper provides findings derived from road tests and analyses conducted during the past year with an ICC-equipped vehicle. The methods currently being used to analyse the on-road results are described. The paper focuses upon the role of the driver as a supervisor of the headway control system and upon the implications of this role for traffic safety and traffic flow rate. Future plans include developing test procedures for evaluating the functional capabilities of ICC systems and the effectiveness of drivers in intervening when needed in the control of an ICC equipped vehicle. (A)

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962665 d ST (In: ST 962665)

In: Recent publications related to Autonomous Intelligent Cruise Control AICC research at the University of Michigan, 1996, 8 p., 4 ref.

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