Improved access to cities through travel information a full colour information panel.

Dicke-Ogenia, M. & Brookhuis, K.A.

During rush hour periods, and particularly during special events, there is always a considerable risk of congestion. Peaks in congestion can be reduced through an optimal distribution of cars over the available routes. To facilitate such optimal distributions, travellers need to be informed about travel conditions and alternative travel options. The municipality of The Hague (Netherlands) installed a full colour information panel (FCIP) above the A12, where this motorway enters The Hague. An FCIP can be seen as a next-generation of Graphical Route Information Panel (GRIP). Just like the GRIP, an FCIP can display the travel network's structure graphically including dynamic travel time and information on traffic congestion (colour coded according to severity). In addition, by using an FCIP, the information (including the presentation of the road network) can be adapted at any time. A series of experiments was conducted to develop and test a successful design for an FCIP. Cognitive ergonomic experiments were conducted in the laboratory to test the form of a road map and methods of displaying congestion on the road map by means of colour. How the design could take into account social psychological principles was investigated. In each subsequent experiment, participants were placed in a setting reflecting a situation closer to reality. For example, various FCIP designs were incorporated into a film shot from a moving vehicle. As a result, participants watching the film had the same view as car drivers on a motorway, seeing the FCIP as they would a normal traffic sign. In a subsequent experiment, an improved version of an FCIP was shown while participants were driving in a driving simulator. A final design for an FCIP was tested twice in a real setting throughout a four-day fireworks festival that was held in the suburb of Scheveningen. The FCIP succeeded in attracting the attention of drivers, who found it easy to read and understand. The type and quantity of information provided did not lead to any confusion or misunderstanding. In that sense, this study has resulted in a suitable standard for this type of information provision. The FCIP had a modest effect on route choice; it was shown that around 10% of the travellers changed their route. Travellers who changed their route were mostly those who left home without a travel plan. Subsequently, travellers who have planned their trip towards an event rarely change their plan. Furthermore, travellers who made use of the park and ride facility indicated that they were not influenced by the information on the FCIP but had chosen this option before they left home. For the covering abstract see ITRD E145999

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C 49294 (In: C 49291 [electronic version only]) /72 / ITRD E146002

In: Proceedings of the European Transport Conference ETC, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands, 6-8 October 2008, Pp.

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