Improved commercial vehicle conspicuity and signalling systems. Task I: Accident analysis and functional requirements. Interim report.

Burger, W.J. Smith, R.L. Ziedman, K. Mulholland, M.U. Bardales, M.C. & Sharkey, T.J.

The purpose of this project is the design and testing of improved marking and lighting systems for large commercial vehicles. Results of Task I are presented covering: (1) U.S. Truck population characteristics; (2) Analysis of vehicle-into-truck accidents; (3) Analysis of driver capabilities; (4) Analysis of FMVSS 108; (5) Development of functional requirements for marking and signalling systems; and (6) Analysis of retroreflective materials. An extensive bibliography is included. Fleet operational experience with retroflective markings and the results of a pilot study of car and truck rear-light intensities are also reported. It is concluded that improved marking and signalling have a high probability of reducing vehicle-into-truck accidents.

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B 24327 /91/ IRRD 265042

Santa Monica, CA, Vector Enterprises, Inc. 1981, 317 p., fig., graph., tab., ref.; DOT HS 806 100

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