An improved ISOFIX system for rearward-facing child seats.

Sköld, B.-Å

The present ISOFIX Standard (ISO/CD 13216-1) makes the rearward facing child seats rather complicated. For some markets, especially Sweden, there is a demand for rearward facing child seats due to their superior protection effect. Comfort and design aspects have made the ISOFIX anchorage points in the car invisible and sometimes hard to find. This project, sponsored by the Swedish National Road Administration, aims at improving the present ISOFIX proposal with regard to rearward facing child seats. Much effort is concentrated on consumer demand and needs. If the design of the interface between the car and the rearward facing child seat is made in an optimal way, the child seat can be made more simple to use and cheaper to produce. The seat will cover ECE age groups 0 to 2, newborn to 6 years. (A)

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C 14585 (In: C 14573) /91 / IRRD E103633

In: Child occupant protection in motor vehicle crashes : to be held at the Melia Gran Sitges Hotel, Port d'Aiguadolc, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain on 22 September 1999, p. 161-163, 2 ref.

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