Improved mobility for elderly and handicapped persons.

Bautz, J.A. Casey, R. Kendall, D. Page, E. & Spear, B.

The mobility of elderly and handicapped persons can be improved in an economical manner by using existing resources more efficiently. Techniques such as coordination of social agency transportatiion and user subsidies can provide improved service to these groups at a lower cost than starting new transportation services. These approaches are described and findings from demonstrations and studies are presented. In addition, recent experience with the use of wheelchair accessible transit buses is presented. Low ridership levels have disappointed transit operators but hard data on the reasons for lack of use are not available.

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B 21793 fo /72/ IRRD 264628

Transportation Engineering Journal of ASCE, Vol. 108 (1982), No. 1 (January/February), p. 117-127, ref.

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