Improved traffic environment : a catalogue of ideas : Danish experiences on traffic calming.

Herrstedt, L.

The main objective of this paper is to bring forward the great experience about traffic calming and to provide inspiration for local initiatives in towns and municipalities in the future. The ideas presented here have become generally accepted: conversion with the aim to reduce the volume of car traffic and/or reduce car speed on a particular spot, in one or several streets, or in a whole precinct. The paper addresses itself to politicians, technicians, interest groups etc.

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C 8340 (In: C 8330 a S) /21 /73 /82 /85 / IRRD 874013

In: Proceedings of the conference "Strategic Highway Research Program SHRP and Traffic Safety on Two Continents", The Hague, The Netherlands, September 22-24, 1993, VTI Konferens 1A, Part 1, p. 159-173, 6 ref.

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