Improving black spot treatment strategy.

Corben, B. & Duarte, A.

Various evaluations of Victoria's accident `black spot' programs have each shown highly cost-effective performance overall, and for several treatment types in particular. However, not all treatment types have been successful. This paper reports on a project that identified five treatment types that had not shown the intended effect, because crashes either increased or showed no appreciable reduction in the period after treatment. The five treatment types investigated were pedestrian facilities, bridge guardrail treatments, street lighting improvements, skid resistance treatments and the erection of traffic signal mast arms. Only two of these five treatment types, namely pedestrian facilities and bridge guardrail treatments, are reported in detail here. The study aimed to improve the effectiveness of these treatment types; to identify black spot location types which warrant a more concerted effort being directed towards countermeasure development; and to refine black spot identification procedures to enhance future programs. (A)

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C 16288 (In: C 16271 a) /82 / ITRD E200249

In: Proceedings of the Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Wellington, New Zealand, 16-17 November 1998, Volume 1, p. 106-111, 6 ref.

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