Improving concrete pavements through SHRP research.

Hanna, A. & Jawed, I.

Substantial improvements in concrete pavements will be achieved through studies performed in three of SHRP research areas: the Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP), the Highway Operations and the Concrete and Structures. The LTPP studies aim to provide a better understanding of the effects on performance of traffic, environment, material properties, and other details. The Highway Operations studies encompass studies that are concerned with the effectiveness and cost of alternative methods, materials, and equipment for preventive pavement maintenance and for pavement surface repair under a range of climatic and load conditions. The Concrete and Structures studies encompass studies that are concerned with the different aspects of the concrete used in highway pavements and structures. These studies will lead to substantial improvements in concrete pavements through refinement of pavement design methods, optimization of rehabilitation strategies and maintenance options, enhancement of concrete constructibility and performance, improvement of concrete durability, and assurance of uniformity and quality. The paper identifies the concrete pavement-related products resulting from SHRP research and highlights their contribution to improving concrete pavements. (A)

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C 2256 (In: C 2189 e S) /22 / IRRD 860214

In: Proceedings of the Conference Strategic Highway Research Program and Traffic Safety on Two Continents, Gothenburg, Sweden, September 18-20, 1991, VTI rapport 372 A, Volume 5, p. 185-194

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