Improving the pedestrian environment through innovative transportation design.

Boroski, J. Seskin, S.N. & Sweeney, P.

This report illustrates the rich and varied state of the practice in planning, designing and enhancing pedestrian infrastructure. The report contains a small sample of the ways transportation professionals and citizens have brought walking back into focus, not only in the capital budgets of government agencies but also in the lives of citizens, in communities large and small, across North America. The report has four sections: Pedestrian Safety Awareness Programs; Pedestrian and Bicycle Bridges and Tunnels; Pedestrian and Bicycle Corridors; and Policies, Plans, Guidelines and Design Standards.

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C 38898 [electronic version only] /21 /24 /72 /82 / ITRD E834732

Washington, D.C., Institute of Transportation Engineers ITE, 2005, 55 p. - ISBN 0-935403-95-7

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