Improving the Quality of Demand Forecasts Through Cross-Nested Logit: A Stated-Choice Case Study of Airport, Airline, and Access Mode Choice.

Hess, S. Ryley, T.J. Davison, L.J. & Adler, T.J.

Airport choice models have been used extensively in recent years to determine the transport planning impacts of large metropolitan areas. Given that passengers are increasingly willing to travel further to access airports, this case study uses broader, regional data from the East Coast of the United States collected through a stated choice based air travel survey. The study makes use of a Cross-Nested Logit (CNL) structure that allows forthe joint representation of inter-alternative correlation along the threechoice dimensions of airport, airline and access mode choice. The analysis shows not only significant gains in model fit when moving to this more advanced nesting structure, but also great gains in forecasting realism asa result of the more appropriate cross-elasticity assumptions.

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C 48259 (In: C 47949 DVD) /10 /72 / ITRD E854755

In: Compendium of papers DVD 89th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board TRB, Washington, D.C., January 10-14, 2010, 20 p.

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