Improving traffic control effectiveness in complex work zones.

Ullman, G.L. & Schrock, S.D.

Information from driver studies performed during the first year of the project identified several features and conditions that created confusion and anxiety in traversing the work zone. Many of these conditions represented deficiencies in the work zone traffic control from the standpoint of positive guidance principles. This report describes the efforts to tailor the application of positive guidance procedures to work zone traffic control installations reviews. Four key steps, hazard visibility assessment, expectancy violation determination, information load analysis, and information needs specification, are described in the context of traffic control at potentially complex work zones. A methodology is presented for applying these steps in a field review process to be performed as part of the work zone traffic control installation process. (Author/publisher)

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C 26863 [electronic version only]

College Station, TX, Texas A & M University, Texas Transportation Institute TTI, 2003, IX + 31 p., 8 ref.; Research Report No. 4021-2 / Report No. FHWA/TX-03/4021-2

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