Incorporating public transport with land use policy : the latest from the NSW private bus industry.

Mellish, D.

Competition among modes of passenger transport is currently characterised by significant unpriced externality costs and growth in use of the private motor car is not sustainable, nor consistent with Governments goals. It is also characterised by very large amounts of taxpayer’s funds being allocated to rail and government bus services which are disproportionate and inequitable when compared to the needs of the community and the services provided by private bus services. With the high cost, long time frames and lack of flexibility for rail and light rail, much greater resources and priorities are justified for improved bus services. To ensure public transport is a viable alternative to the increasing use of private motor vehicles, a public transport plan that is part of an overall land use policy framework is required. (a) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E213376.

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C 39592 (In: C 39583 CD-ROM) /72 /10 / ITRD E213385

In: Getting serious : transport land use integration : proceedings of the AITPM National Conference, Sydney Convention Centre, Darling Harbour, 25-26 September 2003, p. 199-219

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