Increasing physical activity through community design : a guide for public health practitioners.

Wilkinson, W.C. Eddy, N. MacFadden, G. & Burgess, B.

This guide explains how to help create places for people to walk and bicycle. Creating an active community environment means taking a look at the broader scope of where there are - and aren't - opportunities to safely walk and bicycle. It involves land use design, retrofitting the transportation infrastructure, funding and much more. Although this guide is written for public health professionals, others - community leaders, local planners and transportation agency officials, and citizens - can also benefit from reading it because poor community design affects the health of the entire community. The increased awareness each of us brings to the problem is another step towards the solution. (Author/publisher)

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C 36733 [electronic version only] /21 /72 / ITRD E834309

Washington, D.C., National Center for Bicycling & Walking (NCBW), 2002, 51 p.

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