Increasing visibility of speed cameras might increase deaths and injuries on roads.

Pilkington, P.

In December 2001, the British government announced changes to the colour and positioning of speed cameras. But what will the effect be on deaths and injuries caused by road traffic collisions related to speed? And where is the evidence for this change in policy? The opinion of the author of this letter is that the introduction of high visibility speed cameras is a mistake. Evidence is needed that they are more effective than hidden cameras. If they do not reduce collisions, deaths, and injuries more effectively they should not be introduced. Road safety policy should be based on evidence of health benefits and not on pressure from a vocal minority of motorists.

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C 26687 [electronic version only]

British Medical Journal, Vol. 324 (2002), No. 7346 (May 11), p. 1153-1154, 5 ref.

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