Independent investigation of transportation accidents.

Baxter, T.

An Independent Investigating Council is totally free (1) to look at all aspects of the accident including institutional factors, and (2) to make recommendations without concern for past decisions. The true and only agenda of the independent investigator is to improve public safety. This independence also lends credibility to the investigation in the eyes of the public and the policy makers who must act to correct deficiencies revealed by the investigation. Without public support, the changes necessary to improve safety are often difficult or even impossible to bring about. The most effective and efficient way to accomplish independent accident investigation is to have one council or agency responsible for investigations in all the modes of transportation. This allows for the sharing of safety information, accident investigation techniques and the more efficient use of technical experts. This presentation discusses the advantages of the independent, multi-modal approach to the investigation of the transportation accidents.

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C 1627 (In: C 1590) /10 /70 /80 / IRRD 860388

In: Proceedings of the First World Congress on Safety of Transportation, held in the context of the 150th anniversary of the Delft University of Technology, Delft, the Netherlands, 26-27 November 1992, p. 663-673

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